5 Focus States to Watch for this Election Day

Movement for Black Lives
5 min readNov 3, 2022


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In the last few years, it’s become clearer than ever that some of the most significant challenges to our liberation, as well as the wins we’re making in pursuit of it, happen on the state and local levels. Presidential and congressional elections are important — but your state legislature, local judge, city council, district attorney, or a significant ballot question can all have major and immediate impacts on you and your community’s daily life.

Next Tuesday’s election has some incredibly important and consequential issues on the ballot. Abortion access, voting rights, police budgets, and abolishing modern-day slavery are all up for a vote in key states across the country. If you’re in Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Tennessee, or Arizona, we need you to make sure you vote on November 8 and spread the word in your community to ensure the results our people deserve. If you’re outside these states, spread the word and donate to support the final push in their ballot question campaigns through the links below!


Kentucky voters should vote NO on Amendments 1 and 2:

Amendment 1: This proposed amendment would allow the Kentucky State Legislature to call itself into special session, a move intended to weaken the power of the state’s popular Democratic governor by the conservative super-majority. Kentucky voters should vote NO on 1.

No Right to Abortion (Amendment 2): The biggest question in Kentucky this November is one that proposes amending the state constitution to ensure that it does NOT protect the right to an abortion in any way. Abortion is a human right that is essential to our liberation. Kentucky voters should vote NO on 2.

Donate to support the Black Leadership Action Coalition of Kentucky (BLACK) in their work to defeat these measures and continue the movement toward Black liberation in the state.


Michigan voters should vote YES on Proposals 2 and 3:

Promote the Vote (Proposal 2): This initiative would amend the Michigan Constitution to provide voters with the right to vote without harassment, interference, or intimidation, and to guarantee accessible voting. Michigan voters should vote YES on 2.

Reproductive Freedom for All Amendment (Proposal 3): This amendment would affirm that every person has the fundamental right to reproductive freedom, which involves the right to make and carry out decisions without political interference on all matters relating to pregnancy, including birth control, abortion, prenatal care, and childbirth. Michigan voters should vote YES on 3.

Donate to support Detroit Action and LGBT Detroit on this and all their work toward Black liberation.


Missouri voters should vote NO on 4

Constitutional Amendment on Policing (Amendment 4): This ballot question proposes a change to the state constitution to allow for increased funding for a police force established by a state board of police commissioners. Police don’t keep our communities safe; investing in resources like housing and health care is what creates real safety and security for our people. The police don’t need increased funding — the people do. Missouri voters should vote NO on 4.

Donate to support Decarcerate KC in all the critical work they do in Kansas City.


Tennessee voters should vote NO on 1 and YES on 3.

Right to Work (Amendment 1): This measure would make it illegal for workplaces to require mandatory labor-union membership for employees as a condition for employment. What that really means is it would weaken the power of unions and collective bargaining in Tennessee in favor of big corporations. Tennessee voters should vote NO on 1.

Abolishing Slavery Amendment (Amendment 3): This proposal would remove the criminal punishment exception for slavery and involuntary servitude from the state’s constitution, replacing the language with the statement, “Slavery and involuntary servitude are forever prohibited.” Forced labor is always a violation of our human rights, including when it’s inflicted on people who are incarcerated. Tennessee voters should vote YES on 3.

Donate to support Free Hearts Org in all their essential work on the impact of incarceration in Nashville.


Arizona voters should vote NO on Propositions 128, 129, 132, and 309.

Reform Voter Protection Act (Proposition 128): This measure would allow the legislature to change funds from a measure passed by the voters if any part of it is declared unlawful by the state or federal supreme courts, meaning conservative courts can defund any progressive initiatives that the people of Arizona pass. Arizona voters should vote NO on Proposition 128.

Proposition 129: This proposal would impose a single-subject rule on ballot initiatives, limiting future measures to make it harder to pass comprehensive ones. Arizona voters should vote NO on Proposition 129.

Voter ID (Proposition 309): This proposal would require photo ID to vote in person, early, and by mail, plus affidavits for early voting. We have seen how voter-ID laws work to disenfranchise Black voters, increasing barriers to voting and making it overly complicated and intimidating. Arizona voters should vote NO on Proposition 309.

Supermajority Proposal (Proposition 132): This measure would require that constitutional amendments proposed must receive at least 60 percent of the votes cast to pass. This would make it more difficult for measures to pass through a direct-democracy system. Arizona voters should vote NO on Proposition 132.

Donate to support Mass Liberation Arizona in their work to defeat these measures and fight for better conditions for our communities in Arizona.

Donate to these orgs: Black Leadership Action Coalition of Kentucky Detroit Action LGBT Detroit Decarcerate KC Free Hearts Org Mass Liberation Arizona And support their work on these critical measures and continue to fight for Black liberation in their communities.

Elections aren’t the only way to achieve our liberation, but they are an essential tool we must utilize to bring about better living conditions for our people and to fight back against the changes made by those who seek to prevent our success. We hold and grow our power each election and every day between, as we organize for the future we deserve.

To check your registration status, learn what’s on your ballot, and more, review the Voting Toolkit from Black Voters Matter and be sure to turn our people out on November 8.

In solidarity,

Movement for Black Lives



Movement for Black Lives
Movement for Black Lives

Written by Movement for Black Lives

M4BL is a national network of organizations and individuals creating a broad political home for Black people to learn, organize, and take action.

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